dtg's FanFic

Want to be notified when new stories are posted? Just sign my guestbook. Sign My Guestbook September 11, 2001
No words can describe what's been lost... No words can express what we all feel...
We Stand Together

Take me to the story! Not Too Late 15K
This is the first story I wrote and it came out of my belief that the popular opinion of what happened in all things might not necessarily be the truth. It was not intended to be the beginning of a series, but that's how it worked out. (Part one of four) MSR,A Rated PG

Take me to the story! Not Too Late II: Beginning 108K
The morning after Not Too Late, Scully is trying to deal with Mulder's reaction to what happened between them. With the issue still unresolved, they are assigned to a serial killer case in Detroit that may cost them everything. (Part two of four) MSR,MT,A Rated PG

Take me to the story! Not Too Late III: Interlude 10K
Terrifying dreams are interfering with Mulder's recovery and he's afraid that the source of the nightmares may be the changing nature of his relationship with Scully. Will he find a way to explain to her what's still holding him back? (Part three of four) A, MT Rated PG

Take me to the story! Not Too Late IV: Coda 38K
Mulder has recovered from his near-fatal wound and is ready to resume the discussion that was aborted by circumstances and his own fear of taking the next step. This was my first venture into the realm of NC-17. There are writers who are much more adept. Enough said.(Part four of four) MSR, RST Rated NC-17

Take me to the story! Between Friends 17K
This story was written several days before Per Manum aired and was based partly on spoilers I had read and partly on wishful thinking. Amy at the Haven mentioned my story on her site and made my millennium in addition to generating an incredible number of hits. MSR,A Rated PG

Take me to the story! Between Friends II 15K
Somewhat stunned by their mutual decision, Mulder and Scully go back to her apartment to regroup. This story is unrelated to the Not Too Late series and has its own version of their first time together. MSR,RST Rated R

Take me to the story! Found 42K
Mulder is asked to profile a serial killer whose targets are little girls and whose current victim has three days to live. With time running out, he takes a chance that leaves his life in the hands of the child he came to save. MSR,A,MT Rated PG

Take me to the story! Left Behind 11K
This was written before the episode aired and was based on spoilers. If you've somehow missed seeing DeadAlive and don't want to be spoiled, please skip this one. It's a vignette focusing on Scully's thoughts at a turning point in her life. A, Vignette Rated PG

Take me to the story! Lesser Gifts 14K
Missing scene from TINH. Scully performs an autopsy on the man who was abducted with Mulder while Doggett and Skinner struggle with their own feelings about what they believe is coming. The title refers to their desire to offer her what little comfort they can under the circumstances. Angst, Spoiler Rated PG

Take me to the story! Endings 9K
Missing scene from TINH. The long-awaited moment when Scully finds Mulder left some unanswered questions. Why didn't Skinner tell her Mulder's condition before he let her find him that way? A, CD, Spoiler Rated PG

Take me to the story! Echoes 8K
Scully visits Mulder's apartment for the last time and finds herself both comforted and tortured by the memories it brings. This story was inspired by the episode TINH and represents a scene I would like to have seen aired. A, CD, Spoiler Rated PG

Take me to the story! With Him 5K
Scully and Mulder's reunion through the eyes of another. I just loved the scene in DeadAlive and it inspired me to write this story. The emotions were just too wonderful to pass up. Vignette, Spoiler for DeadAlive Rated PG

Take me to the story! Connection 10K
Continuation of the scene in Mulder's apartment when Scully takes him home for the first time. There was so much unresolved tension in the scene, I just HAD to resolve it for CC. Vignette, Spoiler for Three Words Rated PG

Take me to the story! Reparation 6K
Maggie Scully had very little to do in this episode and I wanted to show how much the events would have affected her, not only because of her daughter's pain but as a result of the deep friendship she herself has with Mulder. Vignette, Spoiler for DeadAlive Rated PG

Take me to the story! Highway 50 45K
On the way back from a case, Mulder and Scully are in an accident. With Mulder trapped in the car on the most isolated stretch of highway in America, Scully must find help before something in the dark finds them. MT, Case file Rated R

Take me to the story! Shadows 7K
This story was inspired by that too-brief scene at the beginning of Three Words where Mulder remembers the events that took place during his abduction. Vignette, Angst Rated PG

Take me to the story! Monday Again 27K
Monday is one of my favorite episodes, but it always bothered me that there was no attempt made to negotiate with Bernard when that's such standard practice in a hostage situation. MT, A, Spoiler Rated R for language (Featured on Lara's Favorites recommendations site)

Take me to the story! all things revisited 9K
My first story was based on this episode, but I took the opposite stance regarding whether they 'did it' or not. Inspired by the last scene in Existence, I decided to take another look. Vignette, MSR Rated PG

Take me to the story! Dreamers 6K
Scully's two favorite men take a nap. The last scene of Existence has inspired a plethora of babyfic. This is my, hopefully, less sticky-sweet contribution. Vignette, Post-ep for Existence Rated G

Take me to the story! Fallout 46K
Pusher showed what damage Modell could do with his mind. What if Mulder didn't walk away as unscathed as it seemed? Vickie Moseley suggested this story to me. Thanks, Vickie! It's an expanded version of one of my favorite episodes. MT, MSR, Sk/S/M friendship Spoiler for Pusher Rated PG-13

Take me to the story! Beyond Price 36K
There haven't been many stories based on this ep as my fellow MT afficianado, Sally Bahnsen pointed out. She inspired this story during an all-night gab session in Chicago. Thanks, Sally! Post-ep for E.B.E., MT, M/S/Sk Friendship Rated PG

Take me to the story! Promises 25K
A 'what if' based on One Breath. What If the men that X sent to Mulder's apartment decided they weren't going to leave empty handed? What if someone was waiting in his apartment when Mulder came home from his bedside vigil? Thanks again to Vickie Moseley for yet another great idea! Spoiler for One Breath, MT, MSR, AU(kind of) Rated PG

© 2001 dgoggans@earthlink.net Stories and images may be copied for personal use only and with all headers and copyright information attached. Some of the characters portrayed are the property of 1013 Productions and Fox. This is a non-profit, personal interest site. No copyright infringement intended.

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